Job Description SummaryBe part of something bigger Liberator Medical Supply™ (LMS) has been serving urology and ostomy customers for more than two decades.
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) is a high-caliber strategic policy institute that informs and shapes public policies to reduce poverty, promote equity, and build opportunity.
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) is a high-caliber strategic policy institute that informs and shapes public policies to reduce poverty, promote equity, and build opportunity.
Together, we can beat cancer. At Varian, a Siemens Healthineers Company, we bring together the world's best talent to realize our vision of a world without fear of cancer.
This Customer Support leadership role involves providing supervision and mentoring to both internal and external teams responding to our customers, handling escalation issues from various channels, and leading efforts towards continuous improvement of our service quality and tracking of performance indicators.
Danish & English-Speaking Customer Service Representative, Budapest Hungary ASEA is looking for a talented and enthusiastic Danish & English-speaking Call Center Representative to join our team.
About Climate Arc Climate Arc (Arc) is a philanthropic organization working to accelerate corporate climate action by unlocking the trillions of dollars of private capital required to meet global climate targets.
Motivate teams to do their best work. Offer best practices to get users going in the right direction. Be bold and offer just enough help to get the work started, and then get out of the way. Give accurate information so users can make educated decisions. Know your user's struggles and desired outcomes and give just enough information to let them get where they need to go.
Be optimistic
Focusing on the details gives people confidence in our products. Weave a consistent story across our fabric and be diligent about vocabulary across all messaging by being brand conscious across products to create a seamless flow across all the things. Let people know that they can jump in and start working expecting to find a dependable experience across all the things. Keep teams in the loop about what is happening by informing them of relevant features, products and opportunities for success. Be on the journey with them and highlight the key points that will help them the most - right now. Be in the moment by focusing attention on the important bits first.
Be practical, with a wink
Keep our own story short and give teams just enough to get moving. Get to the point and be direct. Be concise - we tell the story of how we can help, but we do it directly and with purpose. Be on the lookout for opportunities and be quick to offer a helping hand. At the same time realize that novbody likes a nosy neighbor. Give the user just enough to know that something awesome is around the corner and then get out of the way. Write clear, accurate, and concise text that makes interfaces more usable and consistent - and builds trust. We strive to write text that is understandable by anyone, anywhere, regardless of their culture or language so that everyone feels they are part of the team.